Friday, September 05, 2008

my boys


Jesse and Dori said...

What cute boys you have! You post a lot, so it is fun to read all about what ya'll have been up to. The waterfall was so pretty and berry picking looked so fun. I wish we could see ya'll. Miss you!

rushingray said...

I love that first picture. Very cool.

Unknown said...

I love these pictures of Miles and you and Corey, Shelley! Thanks for posting them. It keeps us remembering we are grandparents still. It's been too long since we have seen you and Miles and Corey. I love the hikes and adventures you guys take. Keep it up!

bob swan said...

That is most certainly a picture of a little boy who loves his Daddy! I know I am not the most objective person on the planet being his Granddad and all - but that has to be the most precious child on planet earth!

khunton said...

So cute! Glad you are back to blogging! Miss ya!

Alison said...

Oh my goodness. Your boys are so handsome! We miss you guys. I so wish we could hang out with our little ones, Shelley. I have a feeling we have a lot in common as mamas.:) Love you!

Shauna said...

so sweet! these are beautiful pics. i can't believe we haven't gotten to meet miles yet. sorry to hear about corey's job. we are praying and know the lord has something wonderful in store. hope we can catch up soon!

love ya,